Sunday, November 22, 2009

How do I contribute?

How do I or we contribute to Texas state and local government?

I believe that paying taxes on goods to the local government is a huge contribution. We pay taxes for mostly everything we buy. The taxes we pay each day help our state and local government stand as it is today. I have to admit paying taxes is no fun but we are so use to it, that it comes naturally. Without us taxpayers our state would be in a bad condition.

Another way I believe I contribute to Texas state and local government is by simply being a student. I attend Austin Community College and therefore pay my tuition bill which goes to the school, professors, and local government. This money is used to give me an education as well as be able to have facilities that can give myself and others the chance for an education. I also feel that by going to school I can one day use my knowledge I learned to somehow help the state of Texas in whatever job I may pursue.

Contributing to Texas state and local government doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be done money wise but it can also be what you can do for a state, community, or people. We all contribute something to this state whether it is knowledge to our job or knowledge we share with our family. Being a good citizen is crucial for everyone. If all citizens of Texas were "good people" there would be less crime and peace in this world.

Texas state and local government gives us much of the public things we use today such as schools and highways as well as try do what is best for the people. So how do we give back?

Next time you think about how you contribute to Texas state and local government or how does it contribute to you think about everything you do each day or what you plan to do in the future.

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