Monday, November 16, 2009

Costly Mistakes

We all make mistakes. While reading the Austin American Statesman I came across the editorial Show us that we can trust you. An Austin Police officer Leonardo Quintana makes a mistake to not turn on his dashboard camera and murders Nathaniel Sanders II. Police claim that as Quintana approached Sanders, he had a gun so the officer was acting in self defense. According to the article Quintana had opportunities to activate his patrol car camera but did not, in return this has caused minorities and citizens to question Austin Police trust.

This editorial enlightens the Austin residents, police officers, and citizens all over America. The evidence the writer has comes from the Travis County grand jury, Leonardo Quintana, and police department leader Acevedo. Police officers should always do what they are trained to do if you have the chance to do it. Another thing citizens, minorities or not why should we carry a gun in our car?

In conclusion this has led to Sanders' family to file a lawsuit against the Austin Police department, which in return involves us tax payers. I agree that Quintana made a mistake, but in my opinion it was unnecessary. We are all trained to do our job right so do it if possible. I want to be able to trust my community's police department and I know they are trying their best to clear everything up but can it not be at tax payer's expense? Decisions we make sometimes do not just involve ourselves but others as well.

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