Monday, December 7, 2009

Will your job be stable forever???

Graduating from college worries me. Why you may ask? Today's slow economy. It is a scary thought to think about it because it may be really hard to find your ideal job once you have received your diploma. My major is business management and it is scary when people say "well good luck to ya, maybe when you graduate there will be more businesses to run than close!"

Many families all over the U.S. and Texas suffered when the economy faced devastion, and some still suffer today. Millions of jobs were lost leaving families with no homes and with nothing to do. Luckily, my family was not faced and still has not experienced this tragedy. When people first become laid off by their jobs they receive an unemployment check, but when this unemployment is done at times people still have not been able to find another job. Today's daily life is very costly from the cost of homes to living expenses. It is a frightening thought to lose your job. Is your job secure now?

So as I was thinking about my future and what I would do with it, I thought it might be a good idea to see what our Texas economy is looking like now. After reading Texas Ahead's article on Comptroller's Economic Outlook, I wasn't happy but I was a little relieved. Texas is in better shape than the nation but still struggling. Here recently Texas gained jobs for many people. If you compare the statistics of tax sales, unemployment rate, and trade it is looking better but not good overall.

In the end I sure hope our economy gets better for individuals now and in the future.

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